An Adoption Story - As Told From an Adoptee's Perspective

Tuesday, October 36:30—8:00 PMZoom

Presented by Carol H. Nowak Bogan AKA Virginia Marie Nowicki Sales

Our speaker will share what it means to be a Late Discovery Adoptee. A 39 yr-old never-told family secret was accidentally revealed. This resulted in her world being turned upside down and inside out by hiding the truth about her heritage from her. You will be taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride and truly “walk in ones shoes” feeling the emotions of shock, frustration, deception etc. with a happy ending.

This Zoom presentation is made to help inform and educate the Adoption Triad (aka for individuals who are either Adoptees, Birthparents, or Adopted Parents) to understand the very importance of telling their adopted child about “their true heritage” and what can happen emotionally to that person when they are never told. The Truth Will Set You Free.

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